What to expect
Since there are new moderators, fans and friends should expect different writing blurbs and styles. Reviews, reports, scenester interviews; and social, political or emotional rants will still be staple and supple nourishment for the inquisitive and progressive of minds. What is to expect as an additional offering on the table are contributors of shapes and sizes, from different scenes within and out Davao City to help in with the literature and the visual delights. We like to take the opportunity to address all of those concerned that Down and Out is no longer a one man show, it now involves the whole scene, and that means YOU!
We want you
We are looking for young (by age or by choice), energetic and passionate people who share their love for Hardcore and Punk music, culture and lifestyle to get involved, regardless of residence. This is your chance to make something out of your everyday and normal 9 to 5 life. Get involved in something vast which surpasses the physical barriers of self and geography that of which is brotherhood, and sisterhood for that matter. Share relevant information and insights about anything that is hardcore, punk, love, anarchy, non-conformity, inspiration and life in general.
How to make shit happen
Leave your e-mail on the message box if you have something to impart the hoards of kids that need inspiration or just want to be a smart ass. One of the moderators should reply to check your article, edit if it need be and soon enough, you can see your contribution posted on this very blog. It’s that fuckin’ simple.
A word of advice, because this is an organic and positive site, the moderators hold the right to scrutinize and decide the fate of hate-mails and post.
We have to put all our hands in to make not only the Davao City but the whole of Mindanao Hardcore scene make a noise in the international arena.
See you all at the pit!
Stay positive, stay nice.
P.S. I'll leave you with a gold find.
http://hc-scene.blogspot.com/ http://hc-scene.blogspot.com/
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