Sunday, July 26, 2009


well the week turned out to be quite dissapointing. The proposed planned feeding did not happened due to the heavy rains that had been with us lately. But rest assured that within this week, were going to have our feeding again. faces of disapointment

Up now is a poster for the planed ASAWHOLE tour this august. Watch out for the individual poster later.

Sunday again and spent with the family of course. Trying to be physically prepared for the vocal recording. Hope this god damn stitch would stop giving me a hard time, daym!
We are having trouble looking for a venue for the upcoming t4 show because of the events for kadayawan. but I have a list in mind and be taking care of it tommorow.

Best part of being home
To all cot crew bands. We are planning to release a cot compilation so better prepare your songs. I had a meeting with our friends who are willing to help us out with this project and the skeletons had been shaped. COT records would be here soon so get ready.. ..aarggh!!!
Vegan spaghetti with eggplant, mushroom and olives. Spiced up with cilantro, parsley and basil. Home made with lotta love..

Cot crew represent and representing it right!!!! ciao

1 comment:

  1. That food looks sooooooooo good.

    Much love, you guys!!!

