First things first, we need to fix our business first before concentrating on the shows. So we woke up as early as 530 to get dress and ready for important thing ahead. As we got there we found out that what were getting to isn’t easy but as we pushed ahead with all the drama. We got out that hell hole of an office and officially the “TOUR” begun. We went outside to get something to eat and stroll around. It was raining so hard so we decide to go back to where we stay and get some much needed rest. Afternoon I received a txt message from Mic (bystorm) and led ( xstaidx) saying we would meet them at sm mega mall at around 8. At 6 pm after a loooong preparation with Von, the journey had started. And man, Manila traffic never fails to bring out the monster in me. Then we hopped in the mrt so it was kind of fun, coz it’s the first time for Maui and Piox so we were all laughing and get pictures taken. (promdi attitude represent) we got to the said place a little later than agreed but it was fine. Then we met Mic and Led with Dangie. Finally met this guys after a lot of talking in the internet. We grabbed something to eat at Bohdhi and head of to the show. We got to Cuerdas and met a lot of old friends. Actually more than I expected, Old friends who I’ve met over the years, and it was a great time catching up. Also met Odessa, Aleg and Zepol and thanked them for setting up the show. These guys live a lot further than most of the people there so I was very thankful for the effort. The show kicked off with Just in Case ands guess what, they are from Davao. It was unexpected but a very nice surprise. After them was Rush Id and was great to finally saw them. Great set!! Actually I cant remember the line up coz I was tired as hell. But I know that Bystorm, Play and Sister Bastard played before us. All this bands was awesome , and added to my over flowing nervousness.
Then it was our set. We played a 9 song set and I think we did a pretty clean set, hopefully. I remember people singing along with us while doing a cover from trial. I was shocked to the support given to us by this people who I myself look up to in terms of communication, song writing and fucking awesome sets. And we also got to see our tour shirts courtesy of sir Dyey of Northern Territory. Awesome so thanks a lot bro!!! After us I remember seeing NXCXP which is also an old friend. KillRatio send me shivers to our spines. Thanks Dane for the IRH copy!!! Always a joy reading your stuffs. After this I went outside already to have some chat to the people who was there. Met Raymond from Feud and Staid and its always a pleasure chatting with him. I don’t know anymore who was the bands playing. I just remember going inside again to watch one of my faves of all time, BEAUTY OF DOUBT. Apparently it was their last show for this year coz Ronald is goin outside the country again. After some chat with the NCI crew and a lot of laughs with Play, plus my band mates were drunk as hell, We need to go home to Tateng( Sangkay) along with Archie (Guerra Mundial). So exhausted, so just a couple of hellos and goodnight and bang, were dead!
Woke up at around 9 pm and immediately had breakfast. We were hanngin out with Tateng and his brother and preparing ourselves for the long day ahead. At noon we had lunch at a mall in recto and just walk around and looked at the punk shops there buy some stuffs. Afternoon we met up with our long friend Dha (standfast). It was great to see this girl again. A lot of chit chats, then hop in the first bus to Laguna. It was quite a long ride. Just enough time for us to catch up on things and also get some nap, im amaze that its still bright even at 6pm. We arrived at Laguna and met with my man xJayx Mihara. He immediately brought and welcomed us at his home and introduced us to his family. Some joking around and some much needed shower, we proceed to the venue. We got to Salt water at around 830. The venue was nice. A cozy place with a stage and an open air ambiance, the venue is surrounded by lakes so as I expected it was very cool. Saying our hi and hellos to our friends from Pd. I had the pleasure to hang out with these guys a year ago at Cebu, so we did a lot of catching up with Howell and the crew. We played with a lot of great bands which I don’t remember much because im really not good in remembering a lot I don’t know why.
But I remember moving around Miharas set and Piledriver. Don’t get me wrong but all of the bands were great, I also saw Unheard to name a few. We were the last band to play that night. We did a long set and was very grateful to the crowd. As they went nuts during our set, stage diving and sing along was present. We ended our set with our version of 7seconds Young till I Die and it was enough to end the night with. After the show we went to mini stop to chill out and eat some gi-normous ice cream. Hanged out with youthcrew dan who happens to be the maker of Tight End Zine, amazing sxe hc zine from Laguna. Also shared a lot of laughs with the guys from Pd, GroundZero and Eight ounce, definitely one of the funniest people we’ve met in this tour. Laughed our asses off with these guys! We went home to Jays place along with the crew and watched a couple of videos ate tons of pancit canton and called it a night!!!
The next day we had lunch at Jays place amazing accommodation from his parents and wife. Just chilled out there and laughing because I accidentally fucked up Vons slipper.hehe when good time gone Bad haha. After lunch we said our farewell to Xjayx ,xkelly,Dha, Dan and beda and the rest of Laguna crew. It was kinda sad that we didn’t have that much of a time to spend with these fellows. One of the most amazing people I met in this tour. Hands down to xjay for the accommodation and friendship, One of the nicest person in this side of the planet! Thanks a lot my friend and good luck on being a father. I know you won’t have trouble being one. And to your wife xkellyx, Thanks a lot to both of you and your crew!!!After chilling out on 7/11 plus a dance number from our hardcore/dancer debonair Maui, we ride the van and bid farewell.. at the van I had a little quite time listening to Morcheeba and thinking that the last show is almost on the grasp and the experience was already amazing. We got to Cavite and we were picked up by Archie and Jamie(Phlegm thrower) and went ahead to the venue. Hen we got there we met the main organizer Mario from Guerra Mundial and Kill Ratio. This guy put a lot of efforts to put the show together so we are so stoked and gratefull for that.
At 6 the show started and friends are arriving. Flower grave Collective is one of my oldest friends. This guys are the one who takes care of me and my wife every time I go to Manila. We had all been good friends with this guys because of the same humor and of course our common denominator- WEED!!! So as I met the waray crew especially my pal Ekwa from Eyes of fire, the session begun. Its always a joy hanging out with his guys.Miong and Yan and Marcore never fails to make me laugh as loud. I was having a damn good time and enjoying the bands as well. Amazing set from Censorshit was the first thing I could remember. Also a great stoner band Tsympayne was enough to make me baked as shit. I remember EOT played before us. now on our set. We agreed on playing all of our songs but unfortunately me and my band mates were stoned as hell. Fuck!! And we already forgot some of the titles of our songs but I know its not bad set but damn, Too much weed!! But still the crowd had a lot of fun. I was even surprised when the Flower grave threw confetti and sprayed fake snows and stuffs on us on the first song. PARTEY!!! So fucking great time. After us I remember seeing bands like Guerra Mundial, Eyes of Fire, Vex and all of them are AMAZING!!! Long time I haven’t been in a show like this and was having a time of my life just chlling out, sitting and watching. At 1 pm we went back to Mario’s place hanged out with flower grave friends and slept like a baby… thanks a lot to FlowerGrave. Also to Archie, I dint have much chance to tell you how gratefull we are for taking care of our band and my wife. I lab you bro!!!ehehe
Enough said. The last show was a blast!!!!!
Enough said. The last show was a blast!!!!!
So now is day 4 and the band tour is officially over. But that doesn’t mean our party is over. The next day Jammy brought us to Tagaytay., Amazing place and amazing ride with amazing people. While on the road it got me thinking how great to tour and meet a lot of people. Even Pio told me that what could we have been doing good to deserve such a great accommodation and friendship from people who also amazes us at the same time. We share disame passion that’s it!! We got to jAmmys grandmas house and ate the best tinola ive ever tasted in my life, chill plus good food and just relaxed. The next day had again sinigang and went to tagaytay and ate some mushroom burger. After at night went to mall of asia and went ice skating. We all looked like fools but who cares it was a great time. Mario in Ice skates is a sight to see. Unfortunately we had a little accident with Jammy after trying to follow a girl. He bumped his head badly but fortunately his ok!! Hehe later we said goodbye to jammy and Mario. I remember the last time I was here I told Myong that Mario scares the bajesus out of me. And who wouldn’t be, the dreads, the big fellow with tattoos but its all wrong. This guy was so nice. Also the kindest!! I cant believe that there are still a lot of people who are as nice as him even thou he looks like the guy who could kill you in one attempt!! Joking!!! so the farewell was said and went to the farewell party organized by flowergrave smoke a lot and went home to japs place. The next day we went to recto to meet up with dyey. Thank you sir for the support!!! That night was spent with Dha and Sannee (crapsalad videos) at Vons cousins place. We just relaxed and head to the airport the next day. At the airport Maui was questioned if he has sore eyes because his eyes was so fucking RED , if you know what I mean… that how we said goodbye to Luzon and the Someslowallgo tour was over and a success!!!!
It's amazing how you meet people and become good friend with them when you barely see them or never seen them for that matter.. Conclusion of the tour, Yes there is friendship in a complete stranger. Lets all enjoy!!! Hardcore, good friends good times!!!
Thanks to everyone!!! I don’t need to name names but you know who you are!!!
but i will: Nci, laguna crew and flowergrave!!! Maraming salamat and everybody who came to our shows!!! See you here in Davao!!!
(more pics from our set next post as soon as i get a hand at vons camera ayt? plus a dance video from maui terror)
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